Mistaken for his sister/babysitter/nanny.“Oh wow, you’re so young”, “Don’t you think you should have waited?”, “Did you plan to get pregnant?” To all those who judge young moms… mind your business…oh and shut up. This is the best reason why being a young mom rocks! I get to love my child a little bit longer.For example, say you stopped having kids at 25, your forties will be a little more carefree knowing that your kids will be a more independent by then. If you have your kids young and then stop when you’re older, you still have some active years left. You know the lingo, the trends, the technology, etc.

You’re probably still young enough to remember what’s it like to be a kid so you know how to be “the cool mom”. After delivery, don’t be surprised if your body snaps back quicker than if you were older. While you’re young, your metabolism is still fast. my body recovered somewhat more quickly.You can run around with them, chase them down, and still be ok. Your body still has the energy reserves to keep up with the needs of young children. Do you ever wonder if you had kids too early? Do you think about the “what if’s” if you had waited? Here are the 5 best (and worst) things about being a young mom.